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5 East 57th. St.
New York 22, N.Y. June 13, 1950

Dear Mr. Seligman:

MC KAY MORANT: Enclosed please find copy of their letter dated June 3rd., 1950 together with my reply there to which you will find self explanatory. I shall follow up these various matters upon your return.

I also received their cover note for the inclusion of the blue mink cape on your personal floaters, calling for a premium of  10.86 which I am settling in the usual manner for your account. 

U.J.A. Received their official receipt for your special contribution of $1,000 together with a letter from Mr. S.D. Leidesdorf, as per copy enclosed.

Deposited the following checks:
$100. Gerber Products
$100. Standard Oil of New Jersey
$84.10 received from Becker & Co., in payment of June 1st., 1950 coupons $5,000 Amer Tel & Tel 3-3/8% 1973.

PFORZHEIMER: Mailed his check in the sum of $50. - for repairing his Louis XVI Mantelpiece, against which I am forwarding a check in same amount, drawn on the Cashier Account, to Janssen.

I just received your various letter (on copies of my letters dated of May 29th., and June 1st).

SALEHILL: When you instruct me to credit a commission of $150.00 do you mean I should actually remit it? I have not as yet advised the recipient of said commission.

PICASSO DRAWING: I think your suggestion is excellent and therefore am writing to Mr. Boissonnas in order to defer payment of the $20.- until the job is completed upon his return to New York.

CONTEMPORARY AMER. DEPT.: Enclosed please find the desired "corrected" statement. Mrs. Parker will send you her comments on it.

CURTAIN FRONT ROOM: As authorized are trying to buy the necessary material to match this wall hanging. In this connection Jack came up with a very good idea - instead of hanging such curtain from a rod which would of necessity be rather heavy in view of length, he suggested having the curtain attached to a track which would be set flush against the ceiling. This of course would fall right in with your idea to have the whole arrangement made as inconspicuous as possible.