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June 7, 1950


Deposited check $468.75 received from A.G. Becker & Co. in payment of June 1st., coupons from $5,000 National Dairy 2/ 3/4% 1970.

Check for $35. received from Curt Valentin for his sale of five copies of the Seurat book.

CURT VALENTIN: I asked him when I could expect payment for the sale of the Seurat books as authorized prior to your departure. He explained that these people were always slow in meeting payment but that he would drop them a line today.

STORA: I phoned him again respecting the payment for our half share of his sale of the jointly owned candlesticks. He now tells me that his client is still in Europe and that he expects a remittance on his return:

Trusting that this will find you well

Sincerely yours
