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TEL: PLAZA 3-0250

NEW YORK (22) June 11, 1951

Dear Mr. Seligman:

Having, as I wrote you, missed Nan Sheets when she came in, and knowing from my friend that she was at the Barbizon Plaza, I called her up Friday morning and she came in again in the afternoon.

I had made a list of paintings from the Gaddi to Leger, but she said she had seen so many modern exhibitions that she just did not want to face any more, nor did the English 18th century having any interest, so the list was finally brought down to the Gaddi, which impressed her very much, the Tintoretto which she felt was just one more Tintoretto, the Delaunay Disks, which she liked, the Moreau Galatea, and the Gauguin.

She said that she might call on you sometime when she was organizing an exhibition but what she did say that was interesting is that she is borrowing for a show based on the Buttram collection, and Fragonard and a Vigee Lebrun. She says that the Buttrams have a Vigee Lebrun but a very poor one, and she hopes to be able to persuade them to acquire the one she is borrowing.

I presume the Fragonard is going in the hope they will acquire it. I also gathered that she hopes the Buttram collection will not only be a memorial to them but a memorial to herself.

She is very pleasant, very informal, and very well aware that she is the art director of Oklahoma.

Remembering that you wanted to be posted from New York about European auctions, Sotheby is holding on Wednesday June 20, at "11:00 AM precisely" a sale of important French 18th century and other paintings, including Greuze, Druet, Nattier, Pater, Boucher, etc., as well as old master drawings and paintings by others.

We are enclosing a letter which arrived this morning from Jacques Combe, and which we are not acknowledging. Mr. Liechti also has read it.

Mr. Nesi came in to find out what your answer had been about my being able to show the Seurat La Parade painting. I told him there had been no word yet. 

Mr. and Mrs. Colt of the Portland Museum came in. I showed them the Lenain portraits about which I had written them in the fall, because they particularly asked for it, and I indicated that it might be available at the price you had allowed me to quote them formerly. They also saw the Braque Still Life, the Gauguin watercolor and the Picasso bronze, and as I know they are particularly interested in sculpture I unveiled two of the "verboten" sculptures, for which you can behead me when you return. Nevertheless they are very keen about St. Christopher and feel that Portland is ready for the works of that



Transcription Notes:
Handwritten quotes around "11 AM precisely" are NOT ditto marks. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-28 12:45:23