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Jacques Seligmann & Co.,Inc.
5 East 57th Street

TEL: PLAZA 3-0250

NEW YORK (22) April 25, 1951

Dear Mr.Seligman:

BANKERS TRUST CO. - Deposited the following dividend checks:
Gillette Safety Razor......$100.
General Electric............ 75.

A. G. BECKER & CO. - Mr. Dattelbaum purchased for your account one hundred shares Pacific Lighting Company common at 52, ie $5,200.-As your credit with them, resulting from the sale of fifty shares of Kentucky Utilities preferred amounts to only 5,132.50, I am covering them for the balance due of 67.50, by check drawn on the Cashier Account. I gave Mr. Dattelbaum your Paris address as he wishes to communicate with you.

STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA. As per your instructions we are shipping them tomorrow by Railway Express the nine items which you are lending them for their exhibition, all of them unframed, with their glasses of course, except the Isabey which we were afraid to ship without the frame. The shipping charges will be collected forward while we shall send them an invoice for the cost of packing as agreed. I am writing by same mail to the university.

NEW APARTMENT. - By tomorrow everything will have been moved to your new address. Jack and I have been working there every day and all that remains to be done is putting up the molding in the foyer and the dining room as well as blocking up the doorway. 

HUDSON SHIPPING COMPANY.- Phoned yesterday that they received instructions from the shippers of the Putto that they were assuming the New York expenses in the sum of $46,30, which we had paid at the time of taking delivery of this item. We will therefore get a refund from Hudson in the same amount.

With best Wishes
(O A Leichti)

Mr. Germain Seligman
Hotel Ritz
14 Place Vendome


Transcription Notes:
Errors ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-28 13:54:19 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-28 16:02:07 capital letters are to be kept even for full sentences if needed ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-28 16:49:18 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-28 18:09:17 Reviewed page -removed extra [[signature]] line. back to review