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Boris Margo ran into a gentleman who had been here. The man is a collector and told Boris he was sorry the paintings were so large. I saw Margo again this morning and he is getting in touch with the man, for which I have promised Boris 10% should a sale result.

With the Lebruns in town considerable progress was made about the travelling show and all ill feelings seem to have been patched up with the result that no inquiries became cancelled. The schedule is now as follows. Santa Barbara, and I have asked Mr. Ritchie to have the triptych shipped there. San Francisco, middle August and September. Iowa for November. Chicago, April 1st., to May 1st, 1952, Colorado Springs asks for a date in 1952 so that has time. 

(T.D. Parker)

Mr. Germain Seligman
Hotel Ritz
14 Place Vendome

[[bottom margin]] A "Mr Straus of Los Angeles" phoned - No message - said would see you on some other trip to N.Y.! [[/bottom margin]]