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Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street
Cable: Glaenstark
Tel: Plaza 3-0250

New York (22) April 12, 1951

Dear Mr. Seligman:
De Batz just phoned and we are sending over the Mallet on Monday. He also wants to be in direct touch with you by letter and I have told him to write you at the Ritz.

Yesterday afternoon Mrs. David M. Levy's secretary called and as sweetly as any human being could asked for a print of the Degas "Modiste" which is being sent with a note of which you will find a copy enclosed.

As I cabled, Paul Gardner has asked as per the enclosed copy for the Pierino. Though he says it can wait for your return I know you were anxious to have anything requested sent immediately which we are doing, the sculpture being packed in a double case. 

A Madame Canaso (?) phoned about showing you a Picasso she had spoken to you about. When she heard you were away until the 12th., she said she would phone on your return.

Mortimer Brandt has the photograph of a La Fresnaye which is a portrait of the father of the owner who lives in London. He inquired whether your book was finished, so I replied that it was at least still in your hands. He also will phone you about something else when you return.

Best of everything

(T.D. Parker)

Mr. Germain Seligman
Hotel Ritz
14 Place Vendome

P.S. The Jonas Renoirs which he proposed a few weeks ago are coming up at auction on April 17th and 18th at Parke-Bernet.

There are two auctions in Paris coming up shortly "Tableaux Anciens, Tableaux Modernes, Objets d'Art et de bel Ameublement" Paris, Charpentier, April 27th at 2:30 - Boucher, Watteau, Mallet, Moreau, Rembrandt, lots of Roberts, etc., Houdon, and "Succession N.K...deuxieme vente, Importants Tableaux, Charpentier, April 25, at 2:30, mostly Dutch, van Leyden, van der Neer etc.

Works of art        


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-29 18:14:17