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John M. Schiff, 52 William St. NY 5
"As a result of my contacts with the officials of the Yale University Museum nothing transpired at all. There were various questions, some of them of a tax nature, which made it difficult to do anything at the present time. Therefore, the tapestries are still on loan, and I would like to thank you for all the trouble you took. Sincerely

Jacques Mathey, 50 Ave. Duquesne, Paris 7
"Cher Monsieur Seligman, Merci de votre lettre. J'ai un bon photo du dessin des bustes de femme. en coll. Ferrers. (chez H.N. Straus un un fichu)
Quant un dess. Chennevieres, helas, c'est malgre et pedigree et Goncourt et Parker (qui ne connaissait pas alors ce dessin Groult) une copie de la Gravure (dans le meme sans) J'ai publie le dessin Groult dans Amour de l'Art (X bre 1938) et Bullet. Ste d'Hist. de l'Art Francais 1939 reproduit. C'est un admirables dessin et qui defie touts companion. / Croiez du M. Seligman, a mes sentimentes meilleurs. signed J. Mattey

J'amis pas le meme connus a M. de Batz.

Mrs. Lili Frohlich; 26 Parliament Court, London N.W. 3
"I returned only yesterday from a trip abroad to Paris and Spain./ I am writing now to Mr. Weld-Blundell, but I wonder what will happen.  These old families are mostly connected with at least one of the old firms here. Do you know when the Van Eyck was sold to Australia?  To the Melbourne Museum?  And through whom? Kenneth Clark?/ I will instruct a book dealer who specializes in second hand books and catalogues to search the catalogue and "Souvenir) (which contains the reproductions) of the 17th century exhibition in Burlington House for you./ It was lovely in Madrid to enjoy the pictures in the Prado and the most beautiful weather after this disgusting winter./ You will hear from me as soon as I hear (if so) from Mr. Weld-Blundell. Of course, I will keep it quite to myself that I try to contact him. With most cordial greetings, Yours sincerely."

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-29 18:38:45 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-01 07:30:47 couple of typos, correct now ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-01 12:18:38