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Suvrette House
St. Moritz, Engadine, Switzerland
July 16, 1954

Dear Porjes:

Before leaving Paris on July 7th, I sent you the first elements necessary for you to establish the accounting of the first part of my business trip to Europe this year. I figure that my vacation started after I left Zurich on July 12th, though, of course, while I am here I am still following up different matters which will add a few other expenses. Thus you will have to add the expenses of the last few days in Paris and those of Zurich to the ones you already have at hand.

Before leaving Paris I drew another check, on July 7th, #1135, on J. P. Morgan, firm's account. I notice that in my letter of July 4th, also, I forgot to mention a first check, #1125, on J. P. Morgan, drawn on May 31st. This makes four in all as follows:
#1125, May 31 - $1,600.00
#1128, June 11   1,780.00
#1133, June 29   1,433.00
#1135, July 7      859.00  Total - $5,672.00

To the amount thus spent you will have to add

Fr. 100,000 - which I personally received on account and as part of money owned to me by special court judgment in Paris.

Fr. 125,000 which I had left in Paris upon my departure last year

Fr. 50,000 also personal money which is a reimbursement for an advance made by me.

On the other hand, at this present writing I have left anew in Paris a sum of 125,000.

I am sending you hwerewith:

Ritz Hotel bill, June 24 through July 7
Quillet bill for car through July 7
Receipt for cost of sending baggage to St. Moritz
2 plane tickets to Rotterdam, Holland, and return - July 6
2 plane tickets to Zurich - July 7
Hotel bill, Hotel Storchen, Zurich, July 7-12, including:
Tickets to Berne on July 9
Automobile to Lucerne on July 10
Tickets to St. Moritz on July 12
Taxis, telegrams, etc.

As regards Zurich you will notice that the actual hotel bill amounts To Swiss fr. 486.20, plus 260.60 of expenses or SFr 746.80. These sums I have paid for by a private check on J. P. Morgan personal Account #1, of $200.00 (check #194 made out to Hotel Storchen), plus $50.00 in travellers checks and $10.00 in cash. Mrs. Seligman

Transcription Notes:
Not sure if the smudge in the bottom text says SFr - YES.