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[[top margin]] July 24, 54- Dear Porjes - The two M.S.S. air shipped have just arrived- thanks - [[/top margin]]

July 20, 1954

Dear Mr. Seligman:

From the enclosed copies of my letters to McKay you will see that we received various items in good condition among them the Braque and Monet.

There are to more shipments in the Public Store: The Lawrence drawing from London and "Etude pour la Reddition de Madrid painting by Baron Gros from Paris. [[left margin]] fine - [[/left margin]]

It seems to me that everything else (the books, various frames and sculptures) are to be expected in September. also a box of personal used effects
[[left margin]] Yes - [[/left margin]]

I have ordred [[strikethrough]] two [[/strikethrough]] 3 checks for J. Chenue in connection with his shipments as follows: 
£ 5-12-6 re. Drawing by Lawrence
£ 3-7-6 re. 2 Mss. Col. Stirling
£ 0-13-6 re. Telegram and correspondence Post Office drawing by Mellan, which I want to sent him before closing. [[left margin]] O.K.- [[/left margin]]

The Mus. in Toronto returned one Leger, the other one I understand has been sold, to be billed in September.

With best regards,

Yours very sincerely, 

[[left margin]] I am surprised not to have had a single accounting from you!! [[/left margin]]
Also received [[strikethrough]] copy of [[/strikethrough]] your copy of Graff's bill - payment will await arrival of frames in Sept- I can not check on the amount just now - but thought I sent you the total? - Please let me know how Jack's health has been? - and how is Miss Bazner? will you tell the latter I would like to have an answer to my letter - before she leaves for vacation

Best greetings - 


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