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June 4, 1954

Dear Mr. Seligman:

Please find enclosed herein copies of letters Rottier, McKay Morant & Commercial Union Assurance Co. as well as their enclosures (carbon copies - the original I filed in that special file).

Mr Gelb of Bemo called me up and informed me that he finally received from Tartaglia, the forwarder from Italy in connection with the Cezanne Ptg. the required Consular Invoice and there is a charge of $10.-- Please advise whether I should charge the Museum of R.I.?

The Mus. of Modern Art will deliver the Ptg. by Vuillard Wednesday June 9th.

Dr. Blum sent a bill of $ 15.-- Please advise whether correct.
Your very Sincerely,

[[left margin]] yes- charge the museum with @ note explaining letter[[/left margin]]

[[left margin]]yes. please pay[[/left margin]]


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-27 13:56:57 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-02 09:04:27