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Hotel Ritz, Paris
June 3, 1954

Messrs. Vernon, Grauer & Co.
22 rue du Mont-Blanc
Geneva, Switzerland


You have received, or will, a painting by J.A.D. Ingres, "portrait of Dr. De France", for my firm's account. Upon receipt of this painting, I would be obliged to you for packing and shipping it by air to my firm in New York, at the above address, in care of Maurice Gelb, Bemo Shipping Co., customs brokers, 25 Seaver Street, New York 4, all expenses forwarded. The insurance on this painting will be taken care of directly by us. 

You would oblige me by advising my firm in New York of the date of air shipment and simultaneously sending a copy of your letter to me personally, Hotel Ritz, Place Vendome, Paris. 

The party who will deliver the painting to you will give you all the necessary information regarding the export formalities from Switzerland. as for the consular invoice for American customs, which I hope you will be kind enough to take care of, please indicate its cost as $12,000.00 (twelve thousand dollars). author - J.A.D. Ingres; title, Portrait of Dr. DeFrance.

Thanking you for taking care of this matter with your usual care and at your earliest convenience, I am

Yours very sincerely,

Germain Seligman

[[right margin]] AIR MAIL [[right margin]]

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-02 09:10:21