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[[top margin]] Von Matsch [[/top margin]]

August 22, 1954

Dear Sir:

A few Hours ago I received a letter from Mr. C. from New York, posting me about receipt of a copy of a letter you addressed to me on August 14th. It seems necessary, I believe, to let you know that your letter of August 14th never reached me and I am wondering, therefore, whether it was mis-addressed.

As I told you previously, I am in Paris only for a few days and expect to return shortly to the United States. Should you write to me, here at the Hotel Ritz, please be sure to address your letter with my first name, Germain, underlined, as there are several families bearing the of Seligman stopping at the same hotels and in no way related to or connected with me.

With my greetings,

Yours very sincerely

Germain Seligman

M. Hans von Matsch
Haubenbiglstrasse 5

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-29 12:50:11 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-02 09:35:37