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[[top margin]]Buhrle[[/top margin]]

August 6, 1954

Dear Mr. Bührle:

Do have my very best thanks for your kindlines of August 4th, but how very distressed I am to hear of your accident.

Knowing you as I do, I could not think of anything more irritating to you than to be laid up in a hospital, as to me you are the personification of dynamism and activity. However, it has probably its good side, insofar as you are [[underlined]] compelled [[/underlined]] to take a rest.

I shall be only to pleased to call up Dr. Maurer and inquire when I can call on you at the hospital as my visit after all may make you forget for a while your present woes!

So à bientôt and with my best regards in which Mrs. Seligman joins me,

Sincerely your,

Germain Seligman

Emil Bührle, esp.
Birchestrasse 155

[[bottom margin]]178 Zoeel[[/top margin]]

Transcription Notes:
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