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[[left margin]] Reinhart [[/left margin]]

Suvretta House
St. Moritz, Engadine

July 18, 1954

My dear Dr. Reinhart:

Though it is a great many years since I have had the privilege of seeing you, as I have been living in America, may I take the liberty of inquiring whether I could have the pleasure of meeting you while I am in Europe. Besides the enjoyment such a visit with you and the viewing of your world renowned collection would, or course, give me, I have a specific subject in mind which I do believe would greatly intereat you. 

H.S.H the due d'AREBERG has entrusted me with the sale of his famous "Portrait of a Young Girl" by VERMEER. This painting is so well known, as it is mentioned and reproduced in all important reference books on the artist, that there is, in fact, little for me to add to its fame. However, I would like to say that scientific examination-x-rays, ultra-violet, infra-red - has shown the remarkable condition in which it is; furthermore, since 1829 it is known to have been in the collection of the Arenberg family. However, it was only in 1859 that the celebrated Thore-Burger who, as you know, "re-discovered" Vermeer, discovered this painting among the treasures of the Palais d'Arenberg in Brussels. In fact, it was the third of fourth (I haven't my documents here) that Thore-Burger was able to establish and this, of course, thanks in part to the very clea  signature which the painting bears.

Though I am not familiar, of course, with the magnitude of your collection, I am under the impression, nevertheless, that Vermeer is not represented. Thus, the acquisition of such a masterpiece would add further to the renown of your great name as well as, of course, to the aesthetic enrichment of Switzerland.

It is my intention to be in Zurich around the 15th of August, should such a time be convenient for you to receive

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