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As far as your request for a painting by Rico Lebrun is concerned I-know that Theresa Parker has written you on this topic and do write to her directly about it.

I expect to be back in the States probably one or two days after Labor Day and hope that we will then be in a position to communicate with each other by telephone, or, what would be a great deal more pleasant, would be to have visit.

I am wondering whether in the course of your travels you have ever been to this heavenly spot where, after a number of hectic weeks, I am having a rest. It will be cut this week by a short trip to Italy, but we will only leave St. Moritz for good on August 12th, so that should you wish to communicate with me here, you will have ample time to do so.

I do hope lovely Joan and you are doing well in spite of the terrific heat we are reading about - as far as we are concerned, we have been right along thinking in terms of mid-winter weather.

Ethlyne, my sweet cesretary and wife, joins me in sending you both our very kindest thoughts,


Germain Seligman

Lee Malone, esq., Director
Museum of Fine Arts of Houston
Houston 5, Texas