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[[left margin]] Muller [[/left margin]]

[[note]] Mailing list? [[/note]]

New York 22, New York

Hotel Ritz, Paris
July 3, 1954

Dear Dr. Muller:

A couple of weeks ago I was in Munich for just a few hours, however, I did not want to be in your city without calling on you, as it would have given me much pleasure indeed to meet you after the so very interesting correspondence we had together a little while ago.

I was sorry indeed to hear that you were not in town and do hope that I shall be more fortunate next time and that should we not meet in Munich, I shall have at least the privilege of seeing you in New York.

With the best personal greetings, 

Sincerely yours, 

Germain Seligman

Director Doctor Muller
Bayer. Nationalmuseum
Prinzregantenstr. 3
Munich, Germany

[[note]] OK EB [[/note]]

Transcription Notes:
Handwritten note - unsure what type of list. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-29 16:37:31 Not sure what the note regarding manly lift is ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-10 13:42:09