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July 19, 1955

Dear Mr. Seligman,

First of all, many, many thanks for my vacation present--what a lovely surprise it was after having opened it on the train and after having thanked you in only the most perfunctory way in the office. I'm sure it will add to my holiday pleasure--though where this will be I do not seem to be able to make up my mind.

Here are the lists you wanted of museum people, etc., for the West Coast. If it is not full enough or you want any additions, let me know, and I shall dig about some more.

About the Monet: the Malingue book indicates that the center part of the picture, which is illustrated in color, is the sketch, and it simply says "Collection Particuliére." This would be the section owned by M. Ecknayen in Paris, accord-ing to Mr. Sciolette. Then the catalogue of the full picture says "Allemagne;" but an artcile in Art et Décoration, Feb. 1927, by Raymond Koechlin refers to the Déjeuner sur l'herbe "dont il ne reste qu'un fragment et une esquisse (musée de Francfort). So I looked up the whole matter in Rewald's History of Impres-sionism last night--he mentions the cutting up of the painting (it had been left in a market--Mr. Sciolette's butcher shop, no doubt--and began to rot) and reproduces the complete sketch with the indication Museum of Occidental Art, Moscow--this was published in 1946, three years later than Malingue. Anyway, I got several references about the cutting up of the finished painting from Rewald, so tomorrow I shall go to the Frick and look them up to see if they will give any further clues...and shall let you know.

The organization of the Paris files is coming along, and we should have the listing of the collections for you in a few days.

Yesterday I sent you the letter of Hans Naef; there is only this one from Paris today. The Sunday Times will go off to you today--slightly yellowed from having been left out in the sub our garden and some sections having been thrown out by my roommates--but I trust the parts you are most interested in are there. Shall send today's Times in the same package.

Everyone sends their best wishes to you and Mrs. Seligman and hopes you are enjoying the fresh air of California...

Sally Winter