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May 27th, 1955

Dear Germain:

My story to Rousseau: that I had been unable to reach you in Geneva
but on reaching the office I found the following cable from St. Moritz "Going Lausanne today returning Paris Monday".

As he has an offer on the Vermeer which expires tomorrow he wanted me 
to contact all the hotels in Lausanne F.-G. and even Georges in order 
to reach you. What a poor liar I am.

The buhrle letter invoice and pamphlet have gone off to him, following 
the shipment.

Also the two blach and whites of the Braque panels and the color transparency of the Fauve. Should be at the Ritz when you read this.

Mr. Beals came in - just a friendly visit - I showed him nothing but 
the Rosset of which Kelleher wants photo and date.

The New York agent for Burlington Magazine inquires whether you want 
space in the July issue honoring Berenson on his 90th birthday. 
I said I tought not.

You will also find a copy of letter from the Chief Curator at National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. I will wait until I hear from you as to 
whether Mr.Parker - Putnam Foundation has any sort of reserve on the painting. If not I'll have Miss Sayre make up a limited pamphlet si-
milar to that sent Parker, for them. Price remains same - $75,000?

While I was at luncheon Mr.Schniewind came in - sailing to morrow and reaching Paris June 8th.

Dear Mr.Seligman:

Had a very plesant conversation with Mr.Schniewind when he came in; 
they are staying at the Hotel Lutetia as planned, and he will contact 
you at the Ritz as soon as he is in Paris. He is organizing a show 
of French drawings for next year, which you probably know already.

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-29 00:43:54