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May 31st. 1955

Dear Germain:

Enclosed are copies of letters from:

-Arthur Solomon. I cabled you this morning asking whether his price would be acceptable. Meanwhile we are not answering. Please let me hear.

-Lee Malone- Should you meanwhile have been in touch with Mr.Rousseau and negociating the the price, please let me hear so that I will know what to write Malone and tell good Mrs. Edward Hudson. In any event should I or should I not show her the painting?

I have just entertained at luncheon on your behalf Russell Thornton, Director at Chattanooga Art Association, he would like to borrow the pair of Braque paintings for a show opening September 3rd. at which time he says all of his Board will be back home. The paintings could be called for by Budworth the end of July as he would be able to store then until the opening.

Probably the most interesting thing about his trip is that he is looking for a new post and going to the Museum meeting in Washington to see whether he can establish a new progressive contact.

Just so that will not be surprised, we have ordered a few necessary working materials: satisfactory stationary holders for Miss Winter and Miss Jean, and the hall desk as well as a gummed-paper dispenser for Jack, and books in which the old invoices will be glued.

Your cable was here this morning after Decoration day week end and Ethelyne tells me she had a letter from Geneva. I believe she plans to come in to morrow.

Dear Mr. Seligman:

From Robert Lebel have come two catalogues of sales at the Galerie Charpentier: paintings on June 7th--a greatly varied group, too much so to enumerate, but includes a P. de Champaigne, a couple of Paters which are illustrated--otherwise all countries and all periods. The second is on June 8th--"Collection de Boites en or, Objets d'extrême-Orient, Bel Ameublement du XVIII siècle"- various collectors.

Miss Barton looked up the exhibitions you listened from Emporium and could find no dates except for the two that were already printed in the reviews: Venice, Doge Palace, Geiorgione e i Giorgioneschi, June- Octeber; Rotterdam, Boymans Museum, Works of art from Dutch private collections, June-September. I shall save the list until your return anyway


Dear Mr. Seligman:

I am enclosing copy of letters to Crowe and to Mr. Drack. The items for the Rotterdam Musem were picked up today. The Vuillard ptg. will go out this week as scheduled.

very sincerely

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