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[[image]] Water Isle

Cable Address
Telephone M20


February 24, 1955

Dear Mr. Porjes - 

Just a note to let you know that we will be returning to New York as scheduled on March 2nd, arriving there in time for dinner on that evening. I am writing to each of the maids to let them know that they should go to the apartment on Monday to get things in order, but it might be well also if you would telephone to them. 

We have been enjoying our stay, although it's not as steadily good weather as we could wish - today for instance is overcast and very windy, but we had a good swim anyway. Mr. Seligman is acquiring a good tan and I am red and freckled. 

Mr. Seligman asks me to tell you that he is not writing himself, as he is still resting, but that he has received four letters. The reason for his not cabling straight yesterday is that your cable did not arrive her until five o'clock - cables are telephoned to the hotel office. 

Please give our best greetings to everyone and our congratulations to Mrs.Parker on the successful opening - Would you be good enough to show this letter to her also. 

Thanking you and with best regards from us both

Sincerely yours, 
Ethylne Seligman
Mrs. Germain Seligman

Phoned Eva who will phone Queenie

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-28 13:53:09 removed [[signature]] by signature on page, this is not required to note, just to be transcribed