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Miss B.

September 30, 1955

Dear Mr. Seligman,

I thought I should write you regarding several details for the Gros exhibition, as Mrs. Parker wants to have the catalogue all ready before your return if possible. We have been very busy since you left, mostly filing filing filing and also putting all the new things in the catalogue, etc.

First of all we do not as yet have a photograph of Christine Boyer, as M. Lefuel said he gave one to M. Lefévre-Foinet which I presume we will receive in time for reproduction purposes. No word as yet from either Boston or Detroit and I still have received no information on the Duchesse d'Angoulême we are to get from M. Lebel. Otherwise all of the paintings are ready. I am sending you several which I have rewritten for your approval: Chaptal, Liveron and the Chrysler one which I wrote Mrs. Manning about. Do you want Mr. Cunningham's name listed as a collector for the Murat portrait? I have been unable to find anything out about Liveron other than that he was a Marquis, General and aide-de-camp to Murat. He is not even listed in a Napoleonic encyclopedia I found at the Public Library. Perhaps his family could enlighten us further if you are able to contact them.

We received a letter from M. Delestre with the information I have encorporated into descriptions as enclosed and also the reproductions enclosed. Please note that the "Études pour Timoleon et Timophane" are two drawings, one of which we have a photograph for. Do you want them both in the exhibition? I do not know what the other one looks like.

Regarding the drawing "Page de Croquis" with cavaliers orientaux on one side and Christine Boyer au verso, which side do you want to exhibit? Or do you want the drawing shown so both sides can be seen? Since we have the Christine Boyer from M. Lefuel it might be interesting to use the back rather than the front.

As you can see we have five photographs sent us from M. Delestre, two of which are the back and front of one drawing. You said you wanted two pages of drawings in the catalogue: yours, Mrs. Vogel's and two of Delestre's. Since we cannot get Mrs. Vogel's drawing, do you want yours and three of M. Delestre's? Please let us know which three.

I think that covers the matter. We expect the photographs of Chaptal, the panels, etc. back from the photographer today. Theonly thing really holding us up is Boston and Detroit. Mrs. Manning should let us know about Eugene de Beauharnais early in the week.

Oh, one other question. M. Delestre wants his drawings to be lent by Private Collector, Paris. He did not put J.B. Delestre as former collection, in fact he gave no former collections. Is that the way you want it or should we add J. B. Delestre? I suppose you would have to check with M. G.  Delestre in case you do.

I hope your are having a very successful trip.

M. Barton

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-29 15:41:25.