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September 28, 1955

Dear Mr. Seligman:

Enclosed is a copy of the acknowledgment to Dr. Dowd; it was not acknowledged immediately because when you were away previously we did not answer him until your return. 

The catalogues of the London and Basel exhibitions you asked for are ordered from Wittenborn--they in turn have to order them, and I have a note to call them in a couple of weeks if they have not come by then. 

I found all the addresses and telephone numbers of the names you gave me from the Connaissances des Arts--except Mr. Terry, the architect of Charles de Beistegui's Chateau de Groussay, who still remains a complete mystery, as there are several Terrys listed in the Paris phone book but none as architects, nor can I find him listed under architects in the latest "professions et rues" phone book at the Public Library. Perhaps you can learn something of him in Paris?

The two new drawings by La Hyre and Cambiaso have been photographed, described, and duly returned to the apartment; and I have sent the Cambiaso photograph to Mrs. Manning. I cannot find Mr. Baderou's documentation on the latter though I have searched everywhere--the files, Mr. Porjes' papers, etc.--so I wonder whether he ever sent it on? We do have the material on the La Hyre, of course. I have done a lot of other odds and ends with the private collection, things that have been awaiting some spare time to be put in order. 

The seventh volume of Zervos has come; also a book package from 23 Place Vendome, which I have not opened. 

On the personal side, I have decided to take a course (at night) at the Institute of Fine Arts--Dr. Harry Bober's Romanesque and Gothic sculpture, a period which I have always liked very much. Dr. Bober asked me to convey his best wishes to you when I saw him. 

Today I begin on addressing envelopes for invitations to foreign lists; this time it will not be as long a job, as you kindly eliminated quite a few the last time!

Sally Winter
Sally Winter

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-29 16:01:46.