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Sept 28, 1955

Dear Mr. Seligman:

With the paintings now back from the restorer, I have been able to have them photographed and prepare most of the descriptions for our catalogue. I have looked up in what books we have, Suzanne, and found little save what I think may be a direct reference to our statue in the Dictionaire des Artists Francais, perhaps when the last volume of Benezit arrives we will be more sure.

The pamphlet for the Wrightman's is all ready and waiting only for the photostats of the Dusseldorf 1904 exhibition catalogue to be ready at the Frick, but the man who does them has been ill with "asthma attacks", but I hope that he will find time between attacks to get them done before your return. The cover with the gold lettering looks really quite elegant.

I finally got the great pile of correspondence which had accumulated while we were gone etc. sorted and filed away and (for the time being, at least) we can find things! Also filed is the material for the "of interest" files that you brought back.

The book-binder was here and bound the Couture book and the reprint of your review of Klaus Berger's book on Gericault.

I entered in our catalogue the references for the three things now at the Mannerist exhibition in Amsterdam and all the new purchases in the indexes.
And Miscellaneous small chores

I still have left to finish the descriptions among which are the five most recent purchases from Mr. Davis and the two very large panels, and then we have that huge bundle of photographs from the glass negatives to list and mark each with its own information.(We have not yet received the data from Mr. Davis.)

And Miscellaneous small chores

I hope that your trip has been pleasant and successful.
With best regards,

Sincerely yours,

Calista Sayre

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-28 15:02:24