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September 23, 1955
My dear Mrs. Vogel:
Your lines of September 21st arrived in Mr. Germain Seligman's absence, and thus I am acknowledging receipt of them until his return.
In the meantime, I know he will be most disappointed that your lovely Gros drawing will not be included in the exhibition.
Very sincerely yours,
Sarah A. Winter
Secretary to Mr. Seligman

Mrs. William D. Vogel
2221 North Terrace Avenue
Milwaukee 2, Wisconsin
Dear Mr. Seligman
We returned from a wonderful three months motor trip in Europe, on Sept. 15th and I have both of your letters before me. First of all may I say that I am sorry to have missed your visit on your return from California and hope that you will let me know if you come to Milwaukee another time.
Now, in regard to my little drawing by Gros, the wxhibition sounds very interesting but I am sorry that I must decline as I have promised to loan a group of beautiful drawings to the Fogg Museum in anticipation of making them gifts to the Fogg as soon as I can. The Baron Gros is one of these drawings along with a beautiful large one by Van Gogh, another by Prud'hon, Guardi, Gainsborough, Constantin Guys, and Signac.
I had planned to send these next week to Otto Gerson at the "Fine Arts Associates" Gallery to get appraisals, and then send them on to the Fogg. I prefer to keep the group together and not to wait as long as April 15th when the show would be over in Cleveland. I hope you understand, but in any case I appreciate your asking me to loan the Gros.
With kind personal regards,
Cordially -
Virginia Booth Vogel

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-27 19:42:11