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Les Mas - Ojai, California

July 22, 1955

Dear Miss Barton - 

Always there's something that gets left behind! This time it seems to be one of the files about "Our Business" and I am wondering if you would be good enough to go to the apartment and see if you can locate it and shoot it on to us air mail.

It is an ordinary cream colored file folder which will say on the top either "Our Bus" or perhaps OBWTP and then, I think in red pencil, the initials GS. At any rate, inside will be a lot of small bits of paper with notes in Mr. S.'s hand, some clippings, etc. One thing which will identify it is a typewritten resume of an article on Jacques Doucet, taken from an old copy of Les Arts.

Now as to where it will probably be - in the study in the deep file drawer on the left hand side of the big desk as one enters (the side where the telephone is). It may be shorter than the other files and hidden behind another so that I over looked it.  If you do not find it there - then on the book shelves just back of that same file drawer, you will find several boxes of stationary, carbon, etc., and it may be lying there or even in one of the boxes.

I do hate to ask you to go into that hot closed up apartment, but it an important file because Mr. Seligman has been accumulating notes in it for sometime.

As long as you are going, would you also not mind asking Queenie to go along and get about ten or twelve handkerchiefs of Mr. Seligman's and send them along too? That being another thing I seem to have forgotten - guess it was the heat!

Wish we could send along to 5 East 57th some of this wonderful air from the Ojai valley - hot and dry during the middle of the day and beautifully cool, almost cold at night.

Best to everyone and many thanks,


P.S. Mr. Seligman asks to tell all interested parties, particularly Jack and Mr. Porjes, that we have found there is a special rate for books by railway express as well as regular mail (think Jack already knew about latter). We were able to cut the express from $33.00 to $17.00 when I told them the tin trunks was only books. It arrived yesterday.

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