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May 11[[Strikethrough April 29]], 1955

My dear Lady Fellowes:

It is ages since I have had the great privilege of seeing you, and may I take the liberty of inquiring whether I could call on you in Neuilly towards the end of May, at which time I expect to be in Paris for a short while.

Besides the very real pleasure it would give me, I could would like to be able to consult you about certain works of art which the Duc Decazes purchased from my father and especially as regards some he acwuired from the Wallace-Bagatelle collection purchased by my father just before World War I, as well as regarding some of the Fragonard drawings, of which, if I recall, you own several superb examples. I have, namely, undertaken a book referring to the activities of my firm and as anxious, of course, to mention not only the Duc Decazes, whom I remember so well  when he was living rue de Constantine, but also some of the works of art which adorned his home.

Trusting you may have moments to receive me, and thanking you in advance for your kind reply,

I remain,

Yours very sincerely,

German Seligman

The Honorable Lady Fellowes
19, rue St. -James
Neuilly-sure-Seine (Paris)