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June 6, 1955  No 9

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 1,1955 with enclosed check $ 500.-. which I shall only deposit in case Mrs. Seligman joins you in Paris. Following Mrs. Parker's telephone conversation with Mrs. Seligman I at-once instructed Mrs. Wittmeyer to get Mrs. S. on a boat leaving next week. As there is a slim chance to get a reservation on a boat (Mrs. W. is trying French Line, Cunard & U.S. Line) I made a reservation on my own on Air France for the 21th of June, which was the earliest I could get, not knowing whether Mrs. Seligman or you will agree. I might have some news in a couple of days as regards the boat reservation and will advise you and of course Mrs. Seligman.-

The Money patg. was picked up today as Jack and we will proceed with the shipment and to the Fogg Museum as scheduled.

The Vuillard went out last Friday as planned.

[[left-margin]] *) [[/left-margin]]

I received today letter & Invoice from Crowe & Co. of which I enclose copy. I also enclose my them as well as to J. Veron Grauer, who sent bill last week.(See my letter of June 1)

The Gros panels arrived and will be examined as planned as Brown's. After they will be brought to the Manhattan Warehouse as per your new instructions. I think they will be there in better care.

Lefebvre-F. informed me today(as per his letter of May 31) that the cases with documents will leave per SS Flandre June 8.

I an enclosing copy of my letter to McKay as regards our Stock Insurance written as per your instructions and I hope same will find your approval. I am also enclosing my letter to McKay (Copy of course) as regards the insurance on the new purchase from Mons. Baderou.

Could you please indicate now the information I need for insurance purposes for the David pencil Sketches?

Received today 100 shares Republican Steel- the one which were split as you will remember. I keep the certificate in the safe or should I sent it to Mr. Dattelbaum? Since you left I deposited $ 1,048.84 to your account - dividend checks.

Received today invoice from Dr. Dessauer for $ 21.-- Please Advise whether correct.

I was very happy to hear the good news as regards our Gal painting and do hope it will work out.

Sincerely yours

*) Am I to expect a check from Mr. Bührle?

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-02-28 21:21:47