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Page 2--Paris

GROULT, Jean, 119 av. de Malakoff. PAS 54.73 - chapter on his father. Mail letter in Paris.

GUERIN, Jacques, cons. en chef, Musée des Arts Decoratifs, Pavillon de Marsan, rue de Rivoli, OPE 49.68. Mail letter in Paris.

GUERLAIN, Jacques, 22, rue Murillo (?) CAR 31.81 - collection of 18th c. ptgs.

HEIM, Galerie (M. François Heim) 109, Fbg. St. Honoré - held French 17th century exhibition in connection with Caravaggio

HELLSTERN, 23, Place Vendome - re 2 pairs of shoes to be fixed. 

HUYGHE, René, 3 rue Jacob, Danton 50.34 - [[strikethrough]] ask about David "Portrait de Melle. Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau" - in his 1948 exhibition? - impossible to locate. Also [[Vierge au Frère??]], Atelier de Bourdielou, formerly Veitry cold. Melle. Chaptel, Gros, Portrait du Comte Jean-Antoine Chaptal. [[/strikethrough]] See separate list.

KAGANOVITCH, Galerie, 99 Blvd. Raspail, LIT 58.42 - Bonnard dwg. "Le Champ de Manoeuvres" exhibited at Musée d'Art Moderne, Paris, 1954. 

LEBEL, Robert, 14 Av. du Président-Wilson, PAS 96.71 - re Gros "Pestiférés de Jaffa" sketch (Pierre Dubaut?) see photostat in file) and Fontainebleau School sketch "King Midas" - of 1,800,000 frs. Also catalogue fo Rouen Gericault exhibition; Ingres drawing of Countess d'Agoult.

LEBLOND, Ary, 68 rue de Vaugirard, LIT 19.56. See page 97 of blue book for his coll. We wrote asking about sketch by Rougier - obtainable and at what price? [[strikethrough]] no answer. [[/strikethrough]]

LEBOEUF, Mme. Germaine, [[strikethrough]] 22 rue [[??]] KLE 98.95. Also offers: PAS 74.59 [[/strikethrough]] Angels from Onso Tomb, Marchese [[Fuleo Torregeiani]] call. for photostat. Florence

LEFEBVRE-FOINET, Maurice, 19 rue Vavin, Danton 64.34. Look at Gros (2 panels and de Brisis') Also Schall painting and triptych.

LE FUEL, Mme. Hector, 16 Bd. Suchet, TRO 38.55. Gros "Port. de Christine Boyer" - answer - pleased to receive you.

LEGER, Fernand, 86 rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs, ODE 57.06

LEGRAIN, Maître Jean, 24 rue Vignon, OPE 82.73 - has 300,000 frs. (1,102,500 frs. - Louvre payment)

LERAY, Mme., 11 rue Gustave Zide, XVI, Jasmin 21.42. 

MARTIN-MERY, Melle. G., Mairie de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, Gironde, Exhib. "L'Ape d'Or Espagnol" May 15-July 31. Mail letter in Paris - re meeting her there.

MASSA, Le Duc de, 12 ave. de Lamballe, XVI, AUT 89.77 - David "Portrait du Marechal Madonald"-- see p. 93 of blue book. G. S. told him his valuation for insurance purposes was 2,500,000 francs. No letter written - contact. His friend, George Kaptal to whom we wrote in Jan.

MEUNIE, Mme. Jacques, 5, rue Frederic Bastiat, ELY 11.91 - Mail letter in Paris - for address of her brother, M. Popelin. See folder re Esnault-Pelterie coll.

MOUCHY, La Duchesse de, 52, ave. d'Iéna, PAS 76.93 - Gros "Portrait de Bonapart" (en pied) - contact

MUSÉE NISSIM DE CAMONDO, 63 rue Monceau, LAB 12.32 - look up 2 Guardi ptgs.: "Vue de la Place St. Marc" and "Vue de la Piazette". See photostat of former.

Transcription Notes:
˜2 instances of illegible handwriting