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J.CHENUE                                  May 24th 1956

Messrs. Jacques Seligmann & Co.
5 East 57th Street

Dear Sirs,
  I am pleased to inform you I have safely received the painting from Mr. Lefebvre Foinet, Paris "Jeu o'u Cheval fondu" by Lancret, which I am keeping at the disposal of your Mr. Germain Seligman.

  If and when the picture is re-exported, I shall need from you a signed authority on you own notepaper worded as follows:

To the Board of Trade
  "I hereby authorise Messrs. J. Chenue of 25, Monmouth Street, London W.C,2 to sign on my behalf any application for export licences or any documents which may be required for the return to me of ...............

  This is in order to obtain the export licence; the same applies to the painting French School "A Comedian" and the drawing of an arab on horseback by Vernet and I hope you will also let me have an authority to cover the re-export of these.
   Assuring you of my best services at all time,

I remain, Dear Sirs,
Yours faithfully,