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Aug. 19, 1957

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I returned yesterday from the country and we are leaving tommorrow for Washington.I just want to reportthe following:

Mrs. Parker informed me that the Tiepolo drawing has been sold and will be shipped right after Laborday. I made a note of it.

Bemo told me that they have received invoive [[invoice]] covering the Ingres but no arrival notice yet. One drawing arrived from Paris (Greuze) which is with Brown's. I also checked with Brown's. As you probably know the frame has been shipped to N.C.

I talked to Mrs. Rausch. They have not yet received the policy and will airmail same as soon as possible. The binder is sufficient and you should not worry.

Mr. Robbins to whom I talked has received the invoice from the City re. Sales & Gross Receipt Tax, they one I expected. He will pay same. I checked the figures which are all right. He also received the case of Liqueur. One bottle was broken.

There is nothing else to report. We are looking forward to our trip to Washington which we always wanted to see. This year August being quite cool we decided to go.

I hope you and Mrs. Seligman are having a pleasant vacation and rest and with best regards,

Very sincerely