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July 25, 1957

Dear Mrs. Parker:

Enclosed please find your deposit slip. I am also enclosing copy of my lettersto Mr. Blum & Gutman as regards the frame for North Carolina. I am enclosing three blank checks one to be used for the $500.- we owe to Mr. Gutman as soon as you receive the notice from Brown's, the other two for,unforeseen circumstances!!!

In order to post you I thought it wise to enclose copy of my today's letter to G.S. which covers almost everything.

In short: We bought the two small sculptures from Mr. Kofler of Lucerne, which are at present with Gondrand Bros. Zurich,to be shipped towards the end of August.

Furthermore we mailed todayncheck of Sw. Frs. 40.000 to Dr. Drack in payment of a Bas-Relief bought from Mr. Farago of Vadus, Liechstenstein. Dr. Drack is supposed to hand over check after receiving the Relief (and of receipt paid in full, of course) which he is to turn over to Gondrand Bros., also to be shipped by End of August.

From London no news so far. Mr. Seligman did not instruct us as regards the Ph. de Champaigne so I did not arrange anything-- From Maggs Bros. a letter of today advising us that Brussel asked for an invoice from them. So apparently everything is fine.-

I am also enclosing copy of my letter to Mr. Robbins, which is self-explanatory.

As Imtold [[I'm told]] you over the phone I am leaving as far as it stands today Aug. 1 for Oakland N.J. Tel. OAKLAND 8-8242 where I will be til Aug. 9. Over this week end we are going to visit the children at camp. I am going to be in New York roughly til Aug. 14 or 15 and then I go to New Hampshire for 8 to 10 days. Of course during that time it would be hard to come back for a day to New York !! as I sometimes had to do.

How are you? You missed the last heat wave. It really was something.

 Well, good wishes and a pleasant summer and I hope you have enough funds to enjoy the vacation thoroughly

Very sincerely


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-01 13:51:39