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July 15, 1957

DR. VALENTINER phoned for the Wrightsman address which we gave him.

Rottier wrote as follows:  
J.M. ROTTIER 'S-Gravenhage, J.v. Oldenbornovoltlaan 35
"Dear Mr. Seligman,
I have been informed from an authoritative source, that with the succession of H.M. Emperor Wilhelm II no German notary has been charged.  With kind regards, Yours very sincerely, (signed)"

GERDTS OF NEWARK writes as follows:

The Newark Museum, Newark 1, New Jersey, July 12, 1957

"Dear Mr. Seligman:
I want to thank you for taking the time to look at the pastel attributed to Baron Gros which I brought over.  Your comments on the work were most informative and helpful to us.  

The gentleman who owns this work has also two other works attributed to Gros, and should he ask us to do so, perhaps you would be kind enough to look at these also.  

Again, thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Sincerely yours,
(signed) William H. Gerdts, Curator Painting and Sculpture"

MAILLOL DRAWING arrived in New York and Bomo has the papers.

SWETZOFF Check for $400 (four hundred dollars) has arrived|

July 16, 1957

GERICAULT painting has arrived from St. Louis and is in the gallery and pamphlet has been returned.

CARL HAMILTON photographs have been delivered to Mr. Hamilton by hand

CUNNINGHAM Miss Kaplan phone Mr. Cunningham and read him the excerpt from "Gazette de l'Hotel Drouot" re the sale from the Gould Estate and has mailed him a copy of the excerpt as he requested.

July 17, 1957

FARACO copy of letter received has been mailed to you special delivery.

ME. MINOR following note received

"Char Monsieur,  ma secretaire m'a fait suivre votre aimable lettre ot j'ai regretté, on la lisant, do ne vour avoir eu au bout du fil (? des votre arrivàe [[?]] à N.Y. Mes vacances se terminent samedi et je serais heureuse de vous voir un jour a votre convenance pour avoir des nouvelles de H. Donzelot et ausai, si vous le voules bien, vos propres impressions sur les espositions a Paris puisque vous venes de passer quelques tamps [[good guess?]] dans le capitalel Merci encore do m'avoir ecrit et croyes, cher Monsieur en mes sentiments le meilleur." 

written by hand [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] address: 514 West End Avenue, New York| 

Transcription Notes:
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