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June 24
ARY LEBLOND     Miss Morrison has written according to your indications (copy of letter enclosed) and the photographs and letter have gone by ship registered.

NAPOLEON PORTRAIT  I spent the weekend with Cleve and his bride and some how or other we got around to the subject of the "Napoleon". It seems one of her uncles or great uncles is a descendant of Murat-Bonaparte and buys everything proposed to him related to the family. The very good reature is that he is the French representative of Kodak so I guess he is financially able to indulge in such whirs. So - today I sent Francine the price and description of the painting as per the enclosed copy, which as you will see had to mention a commission interest. 

DENVER  I can not think of any painting which might fit into the show "Harlequin and the Arts" about which Mrs. Bach is writting (see attached copy of letter received) Therefore we are sending a temporary answer promising that you will write her on your return! this particularly because of the Kress association with Denver. (copy of answer enclosed)

June 26  This morning we have the letter you wrote before taking off for Zurich. 

CHENUE  Mr. Porjes has just cabled as follows: "KINDLY CABLE WHETHER PAINTING DELIVERED TO NATIONAL GALLERY" As soon as an answer comes, the reply will be cabled to you. 

DICK HOWARD  We can broach Lombardi etc. when he comes up in October to see the Foundation.

MEMPHIS - ATLANTA  After these weeks of suffocating I have no inclination to go to either place this summer but can't I do that in the fall? I would simply love it.

NATIONAL GALLERY WASHINGTON  Instead of my calling Mrs. Shapley and in essence telling her we have nothing further why don't we simply forget it for the time being and by Fall they may forget it too. In other words I am not telephoning her now. They know you are away and we have sent what was available. 

SCHLENOFF  I had dinner with Muriel Francis, who as you know is in touch with everybody, and she started talking about Schlenoff. She said that through a Chicago contact (I would guess this was Alan McNab ath the Art Institute) Schlenoff had been appointed agent for the Cuban, Olavarria, whose collection is intended for the new museum. According to her the amounts he can pay are unlimited and he made her laugh by saying he was going to get a Michelangleo painting. She felt it was characteristic of him to be so cantious and to have bought such a small priced item. Perhaps when next you see him you can promote the big panels. She too seems to be in touch with Olavarria and would like the data on those panels. Should we send it to her? or would thid conflict with your relationship with Schlenoff. 

IDA BROPHY RUBIN  (Tel: FI 8-6166) You will remember that she is a friend of Ethlyne's and yours, is organizing an exhibition for East Hampton this summer on the theme "The tree in Art". Feeling you might want to be represented, she phoned this morning and after through our catalogue, I have suggested the Derain drawing with the prominant trunk of a dead tree. She likes the idea but will come in to see the drawing herself. Its price is $700 (seven hundred)