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[[top margin]] Dear T.-    June 27.57- [[/top margin]]

Page 27
June 21

MRS. MELLON  Her secretary wrote as per enclosed copy, and accordingly we have posted Dr. Kling by mail. I guess that is all we can do about that. 

NOTE FROM MONTREAL  Could it be from Mrs. Osler? [[right margin]] no but from Mrs. Stewart - [[/right margin]]

"4502 Blvd. LEVESQUE
Dear Germain,
How are you these days? It seems such a terribly long time since I have seen you that I can't even remember when it was. I don't go to New York as aften as I used to unfortunately. I was there last Fall with Sandra but we were rushing around like mad buying debutante clothes. She has been in Paris since February, lucky girl, living with a friend of mine. We were abroad this spring, in Spain, France, Italy England and Ireland! This note is really to ask you if you would [[?]] be nice to the curator of the Utrecht Museum, in Holland, whom we met here a few days ago, and gave her your address DR. MARIA HAUTSAGER. Hope to see you next Fall. 
(Signed) Margaret "
[[left margin]] Do acknowledge receipt of the letter in my absence etc - you will be happy to receive the lady should she come before closing of gallery.... - [[/left margin]]

No one from Utrecht has yet been in but we would of course be as cordial as possible. We are not acknowledging the lady's letter but just keep it for your return. 

MAGGS  According to your letter Mr. Porjes is sending the bill today. 

JACK  Jack has now been in the hospital about two weeks and it will be a third before the stitches are taken out. Many of the lumps on 2 fingers and [[?]] one elbow have been removed but though we have not yet seen him, he says his hands are very painful still. This of course means that he will not be able to do anything about cleaning those front room velvets and we miss him for the many other things he usually takes care of, but the doctors claim he will be much better hereafter. [[left margin]] You did not post me about this- what a tough time he must have!- [[/left margin]]

PYX  You will find copy of the letter to the gentleman who made the offer enclosed and if he does actually buy it we will indicate its condition on the bill. [[left margin]] O.K. [[/left margin]]

BOB JONES  Yes he is married. His wife knows me and relaizes [[realizes]] I am as harmless as I am. 

DESK FOR PORJES  Perhaps you will remember that in the winter his typewriter crashed thru his desk and Jack said it could not be repaired as has been done for the last 7 or 8 years. Sooooooo -- we have discovered a metal desk with room for files, certain of his books, combination safe etc. for the sum of $110 (one hundred ten dollars). Doubting it could be good, Mr. Porjes went down to see it himself this morning and finds it very very satisfactory. As something really has to be done we are making this investment on your behalf!!!!! especially as everybody who went back there was catching his or her clothes on the broken edges of the other, so it was becoming a pretty expensive economy. [[left margin]] O.K. [[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-04 15:54:03