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Hotel Ritz
June 20, 1957

Dear T. -
The following four photographs, of Redon pastels black and white, should be sent to - 
M. Ary Leblond, 68 rue de Vaugirard
by [[underlined]]ship[[/underlined]] mail, registered, with just a line - as per request of Mr. G.S., we take pleasure, etc., - including dimensions and a short description of the colors.

"Vase aux Anemones" - G.S. private collection

"Apparition of Bernadette"

"Le Calvaire" - Buhrle

"St. Sebastien"

On the back of our "Anemones", please put - Collection fo Mr. and Mrs. Germain Seligman, New York.

On the "Calvaire" - Collection of E. Buhrle, Zurich.

On the two others just put "Private Collection, U.S."

Many thanks and best regards fromus both


P.S. from "le secretaire" - it's been good and hot here but I gather nothing like New York - hope you haven't suffered too much from it.  Here, at least, we have air and it's cool at night.  Seem to keep very busy but mostly running here and there, although have seen several interesting exhibitions.  Give my "hellos" to everybody - 
-P.S.2 - Quatre Chemins - Editart - is shipping a book "Courbet" by Riat - price fr. fcs. 7,500 - to be paid on delivery - Thanks -