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Dear T.  June 23, 57-
Thanks for letter re Dick -

Page 25

June 17 & 18

SEYLAZ TITIAN  Letter received:

"a l'attention de Mr. J. Seligmann
Nous croyons savior que Mr. J. Seligmann est actuellement en voyage en Europe et nous serions tres heureux qu'a cette occasion, il puisse prendre au plus vite contact avec nous. 
Veuillez donc avoir l'obligeance de transmettre directement la presente a Mr. Seligmann qui sera certainement tres interesse de pouvoir profiter de ce voyage en Europe pour visiter le tableau "Titzian" qui se trouve a Zurich. 
Nous vous serions egalement reconnaissants de nous faire savoir si nous pourrions atteindre personnellement Mr. Seligmann en Europe, et si cela est possible, nous vous prions de nous communiquer les adresses et les dates ou nous pourrions le contacter directement, ceci en rapport avec son programme de voyage que vous connaissez certainement. 
Nous vous remercions de bien vouloir transmettre la presente a Monsieur Seligmann, comme demande ci-dessus, et tout en restant dans l'attente des adresses desirees, nous vous presentons, Messieurs, nos salutations sinceres.  M. SEYLAZ & CIE. SA
FBG De la Gare 5a Adresse telegraphique: Selamarc Neuchatel
Telephone (038) 5 16 78  Cheques postaux IV 1485  Grossiste No 547 052 (SWITZERLAND)"

Copy of acknowledgement enclosed
[[note]] Thanks - but can not be bothered anymore! [[/note]]

RETASCON "ANNUNCIATION"  Letter received:  The Cloisters
"Dear T. 
Thank you for the print of the Retascon "Annunciation". It was a very clear print and will be most useful. Peg Freeman is working on Annunciations these days. Do you think J.S. would find that fact piquant? 
Haven't done much gallery hopping lately but if a rainy (i.e. non-beach) Saturday comes along I would like to see your show. Now that the Modern is open Thursdays in the p.m. why don't you?
(Signed) René Boux "
[[note]] What does all this mean - who is Peg F? & what is so "piquant"? [[/note]]

PERSONAL STATIONARY  Ethlyne has inquired about personal stationary but since you have been gone Miss Kaplan has successfully matched up envelopes and paper with the exception of the medium size personal stationary of which the last sheet has been used. It was approximately 23cm. long and 18-1/2 cm. wide. As this is not a standard American size both paper and envelopes would have to be purchased abroad.
[[note]] Thanks. [[/note]] 

POULSEN COPENHAGEN  A catalogue of the Gros Exhibition is being forwarded to him today.
[[note]] O.K. - [[/note]]

GUTTMANN  Will you please tell Ethlyne Mr. Porjes says the amount of his bill is
As a matter of fact, I am enclosing the bill so that she will have it.
[[note]] O.K. - [[/note]]

Transcription Notes: