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General Charles L. Lindamann            June 14, 1957

[[left margin]] 8406 continued [[/left margin]]

...into the Doubs

near Dole, the latter river becoming an affluent of the Saone. The grotto of the Loue was a subject close to Courbet's heart: in the Spring of 1864, Courbet wrote from Ornans to his friend Luquet: " suis allé à la Source de la Loue ces-hours pasés et j'ai fait quatre paysages de 1m40 de longueur à peu press". (Riat "Gustave Courbet 1906, p. 217) Each of these paintings was imbued with COurbet's "Equal passions as painter, hunter and fisherman", and carried out with love for his native region which remained a constant source of inspiration.

In the absense of precise documentation (no catalogue raiseonné having been published) four different representations of the grotto have  been identified by us besides ours: - one in the Metropolitan Museum, another in the Zurich Kunsthaus Museum, a third in the Hamburg Museum, the fourth probably in a Dutch Museum...ours the last in date and the fifth. Ours is the only one, it would seem, showing the fisherman.

(thirty thousand dollars)

[[right margin]]$30,000. [[/right margin]]

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-01 19:58:10