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Page 23
June 14 cont.  

BOB JONES cont   We enclosed [[strikethrough]][[?]] [[/strikethrough]] invoice description of Crucifix

Dr. Jones acknowledged the copy as follows:

"Dear Friend: 
Thanks for your letter of June 6, which was here for me upon my return to the University. I am glad to have this copy of your letter to Mr. Walker, and we will look forward to hearing from him. 

It was nice to see you when I was in New York last week. The Illuminated Manuscripts book has just come, and I know I am going to enjoy it. Thank you so much for your kindness. Kind regards. 
Sincerely yours,

(by hand)
We have taken you off the "dealer's list" and put you on another so you won't miss any of the material we send out." [[left margin]] Well-Well!! is Bob Jones married?? [[left margin]]

LINDEMANN  Not having received any cable from you we are today sending off the receipted [[strikthrough]] invoice [[strikethrough]] of which we mailed you a copy on Monday? last. It also seemed courteous to send a note to Mr. Walker of which a copy is herewith. [[left margin]] only saw it upon return from Copenhagen it is O.K. - [[left margin]]

COPYING RIBBONS  If you do find any, I recommend you do not indulge to any extent as they dry out very fast. [[note]] do write to Ethylene about type etc - [[note]]

ESTHER SEAVER  to answer your question she is the former director at Dayton whose place Mr. Colt has taken. [[note]] thanks - [[note]]

LEGER PRICE  As you had said you might increase the price to $900 (nine hundred) I am asking Miss Morrison to do so now. [[note]] fine - [[note]]

Best -

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-04 16:08:15 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-05 14:43:13 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-05 16:23:31