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June 6, 1957

Dear Mr. Seligman:

Re:"Vision of St. Joseph"

I am enclosing herein copy of my letters to J. Chenue and the National Gallery, which I hope will find your approval. As Mrs. Parker already informed you we finally decided to use Chenue for this shipment. I encountered difficulties by insisting on paying for the freight to London by Cunard Line did only accept responsibility to Southhampton and from there the consignee has to take over. We thought it wiser therefore if Chenue takes over and furthermore will receive exact instructions from the Museum as to clearance etc., with other words Cehnue can arrange everything according to the Museum's wish.

Paintg. by Launtrec

I am very thrilled about this new purchase and deposited your personal check with J.P.M to the Firm's a/c. May-be it was not necessary as I deposited yesterday the Kress check for $35.000. (see attached copy of my letter) but, of course, you could not have known this. Anyway we always can re-transfer this amount. See also attached copy as regards insurance.

Mr. Young's letter re. endorsement.

You are of course perfectly right to ask for a new endorsement with wording understandable to the lay man, although I think under this proposed endorsement shipments between European States would be covered: "In transit ...........etc. between any places within the Cont. limits of the US (or Canada) and England etc.-- or the Continent of Europe etc." meaning between any places within the Continent of Europe, in my opinion. One the other hand the last setences should be removed altogether as I wrote you previusly.