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Page 17

June 3, 1957

MAGGS continued
This explains the cable already reported to you. We will not acknowledge this as we cabled extension of the return date.

We have finally received the c rbon of the director's letter to you dated May 16th.

From the enclosed you will see that he would be interested it the Philippe de Champaigne in the fall so, though I am writing that it is now on its way to London, I have tried to leave the door open.

Miss Morrison has talked to Mr. Brenwasser and we expect the ultra-violet will be off to you the end of this week.

Material requested is herewith.

Am sending letter as per copy, off to him today.

The letter you addressed to Pierre Granville, 16 Rue Paul Valery, re La Fresnaye has been returned to us by Geo. W. Granville 515 N. Camden Drive Beverly Hills, California, with the following note:

"La lettre ci-joint est faussement adresee. J'ai habite il y as des annees a l'adresse indiquee a Paris. Je ne connais pas l'adresse de Pierre G. mais je pense que vous le trouverez soit dans l'annuaire soit au Palais des Sports.
Regrette le delais.
Meilleurs souvenirs
(Signed) G.W. Granville

(The letter was sent to 16 Rue Paul Valery because there is only one Granville in our Paris phonebook and no initial is given.)

writes as follows:

"Je vous remercie pour votre lettre de renseignements du 19 mars et surtout pour l'envoi du magnifique Catalogue de vos collections. je l'ai examine avec soin, mais je n'y ai pas trouve le Graduel d'Aixla-Chapelle au sujet duquel je vous avais ecrit le 26 fevrier. Le livre a sans doute ete acquis par un collectionneur etranger: il n'est pas a la Bibl. Royale de Bruxelles.
En vous remerciant encore, je vous rie de daigner agreer, Monsieur l'hommage de mon respect.

A note came from him with a check, both of which have been turned over to Mr. Porjesk xxx for attention.

We will get around to that tomorrow and will send you a copy of the note we will xxxxxx send with the returned form.

He said practically no more than I have told you when I spoke to him on the phone but meanwhile you will have received the copy of his follow up letter.