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June 18, 1957

Dear Mr. Seligman:

After an extensive search, the di Credi mystery is still a mystery... Berenson does not seem to have published this attribution, nor has any one else, as far as I can tell after reviewing Berenson's general works, likely - and unlikely - sounding articles, material by others on di Credi, general works on Ital. sculpture, and even the Liechtenstein guides, though I hardly expected to find anything as simply as that. 

Everyone seems agreed that di Credi was a sculptor, since Verrocchio recommended him to complete the Colleoni statue; Benezit (1955) states that none of his sculpture is known - however, there are attributions: Berenson (Drawings of the Florentine Painters" 1938, vol. I, p.73ff) asserts his unworthiness to judge sculpture, but discusses the Di Credi sculpture problem at greater length than anyone else - attributing the terra cotta model for the Forteguerri monument, Pistoia (1483), in the Vict. and Albert Mus., and also considers his #686 (Uffixi) and #720 (Louvre) as drawings by di Credi for tombs. 

I did not find the terra cotta model in the V&A catal. (Maclagan and Longhurst, 1932), but there is a terra cotta St. Sebastian, p. 65, P1.45, in the V&A which is called "di Credi?". Van Marle[[strikethrough]]d[[/strikethrough]] (v. XIII, 1931, pp.331-2) mentions a sculpture of two angels in the Berlin Mus. which Bode give to di Credi (but Schubring calls it workshop of Verrocchio).

All this of course gives us no clue to the Liechtenstein question, but it does make it seem plausible. 


I have discovered that the thesis of Mme Thirion "L'Influence de l'Estampe japonaise sur la peinture francaise dans la seconde moitiƩ du XIX siecle" is only summarized in"Musees de France" Oct. 1948, p.229-34. You wanted me to look up this thesis, by a student of Dorival, to see if our Gauguin was mentioned. Somehow I have the idea that you know the Gauguin is mentioned, and if this is the case I thought I'd better let you know that the matter would have to be looked into in Paris if at all.


Sorry to give you such a negative answer on di Credi. But after five days of 90 degree temperatures here, I must admit I enjoyed every minute of my work at the air-conditioned Frick nevertheless! I hope the French weaterhman is treating you more kindly. 


Betty Morrison

Mr. Germain Seligman
Hotel Ritz
Place Vendome
Paris (I), France

cc: di Credi file

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