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New York 22, New York

February 5, 1965

Dear Herbert:
Ever so many thanks for your letter of February 2.
Based on your statement that the signature "Bellange" is quite legible - contrary to the difficulty I have in making it out from the photograph - I shall buy this drawing at the price of £240 (TWO HUNDRED FORTY POUNDS) which you indicated. 
Were you to have any pedigree, do let me have it, and tell me also whether, to your knowledge, it has been exhibited anywhere - even if it had been in one of the dealers' show.
Thus, under the above expressed proviso, do send me your bill and do ship the drawing in the usual manner. If it is framed - and the latter being worthy of being kept around - be sure to mention it on your bill, with a nominal valuation,- as well as on the Customs papers. 

Do let me hear from you posthaste in view of my leaving New York on February 15, as I wrote you previously. 

With warm regards,      


Germain Seligman

Herbert N. Bier, Esq.
2 Strathearn Place
Hyde Park Square 
London W.2

In vellum?

If so put right arm between 2 [[slots]] even if it is in a frame.