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December 3, 1996

Dear Tony: 

The making up of the pamphlets took less time than I expected and I am glad to be able to forward them today. They will thus be greeting you upon your return to Minneapolis. Herein, you will find two exhaustive studies relating to:

CHAPRON, Nicolas - "The Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple"

Bozzetto for the altarpiece in the Chapelle Saint-Nicolas Compiègne. Dated 1639.

The price of which is: $8,000 (EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS)

ART MOSAN - MARBLE - XIVth century - "Magi King"


As agreed, I am keeping this statue reserved for your Museum for a period of about ten days.

You will recall, as I explained, that should further interest be shown and the purchase of either or both these works of art be considered, title would only pass to your Museum after January 1, 1967, at which time it or they would be billed.

Also enclosed are photographs of the two drawings included in my current exhibition: 

TRABALLESI, Giuliano (ATTRIBUTED TO:)- "Marriage of the Virgin" $400 (FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS) (Unfortunately a pretty bad print)

GANDOLFI, Gaetano - "Minvera" $600 (SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS)

I am indicating their selling prices though, if I am not mistaken, you requested these prints for the purpose of study.

Before closing, let me tell you how much I enjoyed your most pleasant visit and listening to your comments on the works of art I showed you.

Do remember me to Sam Sachs, and with best regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Anthony M. Clark
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
201 East 24th Street
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404


Transcription Notes:
fixed typo, fixed Traballesi, ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-03 12:21:01 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-03 13:27:26 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-03 17:25:35