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[[top margin]] Dear Porjes -  6.20.66- [[/top margin]]

June 16, 1966

Dear Mr. Seligman:

I am in receipt of your letter of June 14th and I am enclosing copy of my letter to Mr. Thompson covering Marine Insurance of your new purchases, which I hope you will find in order. [[left margin]] O.K- [[/left margin]]

I have seen Mr. Robbins as regards the "super" insurance and he has read our correspondence with Mr. Thompson. I have also taken along our Comprehensive Liability Insurance as I was still of the opinion, contrary to Mr. Kraft of Macomber, that we are covered under Property Damage (there is also a Bodily Injury Liability coverage under tnhis policy). I also told Mr. Robbins that Mr. Kraft[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]] would be able to take out a special Liability Insurance covering esp. Works of Art: 50,000- Limit
10,000.- Breakage

and that the yearly premium[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] would amount to $ 350.- !!!!

Mr. Robbins was also of the opinion that we are covered under our current Liability Insurance but suggested to be sure, to contact Mr. Olson. This is Mr. Robbins' insurance man, whom we consultet last year as regards your rented house in Conn. and whose answer by the way was, as you will remember, opposite to Mr. Kraft's. At Mr. Robbins' suggestion I told Mr. Olson, that we will renew with him all our USA insurances after expiration, subject to Mr. Seligman's o.k., who is at present abroad . Mr. Robbins told me that only under those circumstances could I again call on him. I hope you agree. 

Mr. Olson, after I had explained to him the case, told me, that under our present Liability Insurance we would not be covered unless we delete the exclusion clause, which is called "care, custody or control" clause ( by the way the same wording Mr. Thompson referred to in his letter of May 12th, 3rd par., copy of which I mailed you)which will cost some extra premium, he does not know how much, but it can be done. Further probably we should raise the amount for property damage in our policy at present $ 10,000.-, which will cost an additional nominal premium. If this is done, we would be fully covered and would have the Legal Liability Policy Mr. Thompson is ref[[strikethrough]]f[[/strikethrough]]erring to in his letter. Mr. Robbins has asked me to tell you that he is in full accord.-
[[left margin]] work out a new policy with Olson - to submit to me for approval [[/left margin]]
I am of Mr. Robbins' opinion to change insurance brokers- this is the 2nd time we were wrongly advised by Macomber. Besides Mr. Robbins feels that working with one of the biggest brokers in town, who handles million $ business has more prestige with the insurance companies in case of damage, than [[striekthrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] a small firm like Macomber. [[left margin]] agree with change - [[/left margin]]

From the apt. mail I enclose an invitation to a wedding and the Tel. Bill. For Mrs. Jackson came the bill[[strikethrough]]e[[/strikethrough]] for the new Medicare insurance: $9.00 for three months due on July 3. I am keeping it here as you will be back, I assume. If you wish that I should mail it please let me know. [[left margin]] yes keep it [[/left margin]]

I will continue tomorrow.