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June 5, 1966

Dear Porjes:

Herewith you will find Dr. Peter Nathan's invoice, from Zurich, for a drawing by Chasseriau which I have just purchased, as well as copy of my letter to him, dated June 5th.

You will notice that you have to take out the insurance on this shipment.

You will also find herein a letter from Mr. Sandoz, acknowledging receipt of the check for Fr. 3,500 in payment of the painting by Gabriel Doyen, La Peste des Ardents, which I purchased from him.  This should serve as invoice should you need it, for Mr. Sandoz, being an art historian cannot make out a sales invoice.

I am also forwarding to you copy of a letter of June 4th addressed to Mademoiselle Martin-Mery of the Bordeaux Museum.  There is nothing further for you to do in this connection except to keep it carefully in your files, should it be needed later on.

Transcription Notes:
fixed typo removed excess line breaks yourto, r is erased, just light on copy. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-02 10:51:03 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-03 20:47:37