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Dear Porjes -       May 25,'66 -

May 20, 1966

Dear Mr. Seligman:

Yesterday afternoon Mr. Gelb telephoned to ask me where I want a painting of a "Bearded Man" to be examined which just arrived from London. I told him to wait 'til tomorrow hoping to have heard from you meanwhile. When Friday morning no news arrived I cabled you "S[[strikethrough]]c[[/strikethrough]]hould we accept painting from Weitner London" to be sure you agree to accept it. Finally this afternoon your letter came and, of course, I telephoned Gelb to have same examined at Public Store. You will realize that I had no chance to insure it for the transit London-New York!! I have turned over to Bemo copy of Mr. Weitzner's invoice and the entry will be made with the correct amount. Mr. Gelb told me to stay away from incorrect entries.-
[[note]] I am glad you did - [[/note]]

Mme Binda wrote:
"Dear Mr. Seligman,
Thank you for your check for $1,000.- which represents my fee as your technical advisor on various problems of restoration.

Yours Sincerely
C. Binda"
[[note]] fine- [[/note]]

I filed same as my voucher under "Paid Bills".

I am enclosing copy of my letter of May 18th addressed to Mr. Dattelbaum, which is self-explanatory.

Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter dated May 12th from Mr. Thompson of McKay Morant. I have asked Mr. Kraft of Macomber whether our Gen. Comprehensive Liability Insurance which we carry would cover such an event. He declined by stating that our Liability Insurance does not cover any works of art, only people and also property for which we might be responsible should they have suffered damages through our negligence.- I asked him to find out whether a Legal Liability Insurance is possible to obtain and I am awaiting his reply. I will post you.

[[note]] I am of the opinion that you show the whole correspondence to Mr. Robbins- and ask him to write to me on the subject as I may want to discuss it with mr Thompson  when he's in London - [[/note]]

Mr. Robbins asked me to get in touch with the agent of the building and he agreed to my suggestion to simply ask, whether the Landloard is willing to paint the galleries, as he did 3 years ago. I could only get Mr. Manson's son who told me, that Mr. Keller, the supt. should be contacted, which I did. I have no anser yet.-

[[note]] This is an excellent approach - post me accordingly.[//note]

With best regards to you and Mrs. Seligman,

very sincerely

[[note]] Best regards- 
G.S. [[/note]]