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[[stamp]]Hotel Ritz[[/stamp]]



Hotel Ritz 
15, Place Vendome Paris 

May 17, 1966

Registered Mail 

Dear Julius: 

You will find herein my firm's check of even date in the amount of $5,500.00 (five thousand five hundred dollars) drawn on Morgan Guaranty Trust Company, New York, No. 1722, in full settlement of your invoice dated May 13, 1966. 

By now I assume that Mssrs. Chenus have taken delivery of the painting and that you have given them all necessary information regarding the export formalities. 

Though This letter, in view of the general strike now prevailing, is registered, your acknowledgement of same to me at the above address would oblige me much. 

With best regards, 

Germain Seligman

Julius H. Weitzner, esq. 
10 Farm Street 
London, W.l 

Enc. Check No. 1722

Afin d'èviter tout retard, prière d'adresser la correspondance á "La Direction"
In order to avoid delay, kindly address all correspondance to "The Management" and not to invidivuals

Transcription Notes:
All letterhead info is to be transcribed. Remove any excess line breaks (more than 1 is excess) fix typos ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-03 21:12:28 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-06 00:09:51