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McKay, Morant & Co., Ltd. 

May 12th 1966, 

Mr. Germain Seligman,
Messrs. Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street,
New York 22,
New York, U.S.A.

Dear Mr. Seligman,

Thank you for your letter of April 15th which has received very careful consideration.

Although I have looked through the old correspondence between yourself and Mr. Young, I have not been able to find the reference to "super" insurance which you mention, but nevertheless, thepoint you raise is, I believe, quite clear.

It seems to me that as long as the article involved is insured by your client you would not have an insurable interest and could only be claimed against by your client's insurers who may assert that the article was damaged due to negligence whilst being handled by or in the care, custody or control of you or your agent. This would appear to be normal Third Party Legal Liability and it occurs to me that your firm may already have a Legal Liability Policy placed with a domestic company.

We would, in any case, be unable to effect such a policy for you here, but if you care to send me your Legal Liability Policy or a copy of it I will be pleased to see whether the situation envisaged would be covered by it as it stands, or whether the policy would require amendment as may well be the case. If, in fact, an alteration to the existing wording was necessary, I could then let you know exactly what changes were required.

I am sorry that I am unable to be more helpful at this stage, but am certain in my own mind that this situation would best be dealt with by way of your firm's Legal Liability insurance, and you may rest assured that I will do all I can to assist you in this connection.

With kindest regards,

Yours sincerely,
A. G. Thompson

Transcription Notes:
theppint, thepoint ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-03 21:24:56