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Fiche # 5769   April 19, 1966

From: Mr. Seligman

To: Mr. Porjes and Mr. Johnson
Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Harris for information

White copy for Mrs. Seligman

Removal of items from apartment

On Friday, April 29, I would like Johnson to bring to the galleries the two following paintings removed from their frames:

COROT - "Judith"
WINTERHALTER - "Portrait of Empress Eugenie"

I want Mrs. Steen to come in on Saturday, April 30 as I am anxious to have those two paintings varnished and delivered here before my departure on May 7.

The SEURAT painting - "Eiffel Tower" - which is already at the galleries will, upon my departure, leave for the warehouse, as well as the two above-mentioned paintings : COROT & WINTERHALTER - with the items from the galleries. [[note]] Ingres - portrait - [[/note]]

On Wednesday, May 11, that is just before Mrs. Seligman's departure, I want the following items removed from the apartment and brought to the galleries :
SEURAT - Both drawings
BRAQUE - Painting
FRAGONARD - Drawing-carefully packed in a box on account of the fragile frame.
MAÎTRE DE FLORE - Drawing-"Procris and Cephalis"
DELACROIX - Painting "Apollo Ceiling",in its frame.

All of these items, after careful packing, will be taken to the warehouse.
PERRONEAU = Pastel, in the sitting room, will be removed and hung over the bed where the PRUD'HON drawing is at present.
LA HYRE - Painting - "Faith" - in the dining room, removed from its frame, will go into our reserve room under Holmes.
PRUD'HON -  Drawing - which will have been removed from above the bed, will similarly go into our reserve under Holmes.

At the time this is carried out, all other paintings and drawings which hang on nails will remain where they are but carefully covered with paper. This also applies to the: REDON - Pastel, in the entrance hall.

All other drawings and paintings which hang from stickers which are just applies on the walls will have to be removed and put in the different wardrobes. Cardboard and tissue paper will have to be carefully put between each of them in order to protect them and their frames.

Johnson will help Mrs. Seligman carefully pack all the items which are in the showcase as well, of course, as the most delicate terra cotta bust by CHINARD.

[[left margin]] The large Redon drawing, when remated [[rematted]], will remain at the galleries.
La Fresnaye drawing retd from Chicago will remain at the galleries. [[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-16 09:14:54.