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(10 LINES)
TELEX 21910


PER AIR MAIL.   24th May, 1968.

Mr. O. Porjes,
Messrs. Jaques Seligmann & Co. Inc.,
5, East 57th Street,
N.Y. 22, U. S. A.

Dear Mr. Porjes,

Re: Lloyd's All Risks Policy KA.432590 and Householders' Comprehensive Policy KA.432591. 
Mr. and Mrs. Germain Seligman.

Thank you for your letter of May 10th, giving renewal instructions on the above-numbered policies, and asking us to delete from All Risks policy the Natural Hail Seal (Blue Black) Coat, origin Norway, valued at $553.70.

Despite the lateness of the advice, these renewals had not been overlooked and, in fact, we have been doing battle with Underwriters to maintain the existing rates which are, in present day conditions, below the market rates. 

Suffice it to say that coverage is in full force for both of these renewals, and I hope to be able to persuade Underwriters for this year, at least, to maintain the rates as existing. 

Whether the position can be held next year, is a matter of speculation! 

As soon as my arrangements are fully completed, I will be writing and sending renewal Cover Notes, taking into consideration the deletion under the All Risks policy.

Yours very sincerely, 
A.G. Thompson
A.G. Thompson

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-04 23:23:27 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-06 21:29:43.